Full Lips

There has been an increase in the number of cosmetic lip procedures carried out in a year. As of 2017, the number of people who carried out lips procedures was a fourth of those who did in 2021. Experts say this increased number is due to the increased exposure and safety techniques that have evolved with the procedure over time.

There are several cosmetic procedures to make the lips full, but some are temporary while others are permanent. Whichever you prefer, we will give you an overview of what you'll expect if you're getting fuller lips at Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando.

Understanding Lip Enhancement

The idea behind lips enlargement is to give your lips a more rigid appearance. Your dentist can choose depending on your preference and goal from several options. A popular non-surgical option is the use of biocompatible substances in the lips. This biocompatible substance, hyaluronic acid, instantly gives the lips shape and volume. Think about pouring water into a balloon. The downside with this lip enhancement option is that it is temporary because you must re-perform the procedure after some months. Lip implants are a permanent lip enhancement procedure where silicone implants are strategically placed to create fuller lips.

These are not the only options available for lips enhancement. Before deciding on a procedure, weighing the benefits and potential risks associated with each is vital. Dermal fillers offer minimal downtime, natural-looking results, and are reversible, while lip implants provide a long-lasting solution. When considering surgical procedures, it's essential to recognize the inherent risks involved. To make an informed decision that best suits your individual needs and desires, it's critical to consult with a qualified professional.

Choosing Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando

Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando is a reputable and trustworthy clinic renowned for its expertise in both cosmetic dentistry and lip enhancement procedures. Our team of highly skilled professionals is committed to providing outstanding outcomes with a focus on patient safety and satisfaction.

The clinic employs specialized techniques and cutting-edge technologies to ensure precise and natural-looking lip enhancements. Whether patients desire subtle volume or a more dramatic transformation, Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando tailors their approach to meet individual goals.

Patient testimonials serve as a testament to the clinic's commitment to excellence. Many have expressed their satisfaction with the personalized care and attention received throughout the process and the beautiful results achieved at Fine Dentistry.

What to Expect at Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando

Our lips enhancement procedures at Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando have unique features. That is, they are tailored to meet the demands of patients. Whether someone wants a subtle volume or a more professional transformation, we will provide a satisfying experience.

Are you considering enhancing your lips in the Downtown Orlando dental clinic, but are you still wondering what to expect? Here are the things you should expect:

Step 1: Consultation and Assessment

Your journey at Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando begins with an initial consultation, where you get to meet a skilled cosmetic dentist. The meeting with the dentist is crucial because it is where needs are tailored to suit an individual's needs. During the meeting, the dentist evaluates your facial structure, lips, and shape and discusses your desired lip appearance. You also get to ask questions and inquire about the procedures and other options available before choosing an option.

Step 2: Anesthesia and Pain Management

The point of anesthesia and pain management is simple - to reduce pain during and after the procedure. Dentists offer various options to maximize patient comfort, including local anesthesia. Local anesthesia is used to numb an area to ensure minimal pain and discomfort during the procedure. Patients can rest assured that their safety and comfort are priorities throughout the process.

Step 3: Lip Filler Injection

For non-surgical lip enhancements, hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers are commonly used. These fillers are FDA-approved and known for their safety and effectiveness. The dentist skillfully injects the filler into specific areas of the lips to create the desired fullness and shape. The dentist ensures symmetry and balance throughout the procedure for a natural-looking result.

Step 4: Recovery and Immediate Results

The lip enhancement procedure at Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando is minimally invasive, allowing for a relatively quick recovery. After the treatment, patients might experience mild swelling and bruising, but this usually subsides within a few days. Patients can expect immediate results, and the outcome will become more apparent as swelling diminishes.

Aftercare and Recovery

Proper care must be given to ensure a smooth recovery and long-lasting results. Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando provides a comprehensive guide to post-procedure care using the following:

Cold Compress: A cold compress is simple. Apply just a cold press on the treated area to help reduce swelling and ease discomfort.

Avoiding Strenuous Activities: We strongly advise patients to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days after the procedure to allow time for healing.

Hydration: Nothing beats hydration during healing. Stay well-hydrated and promote healing and improve the appearance of the lips.

Avoiding Blood Thinners: Patients are advised to refrain from consuming blood-thinning medications or supplements to minimize the risk of bruising.

Follow-up Appointments: Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando recommends follow-up appointments to assess the results and address any patient concerns during the healing process.

Results and Maintenance

The results of lip enhancement procedures are designed to be long lasting and will continue to improve in the days following the treatment. It is important to note that outcomes may differ depending on factors such as metabolism and personal choices.

Regular follow-up appointments are essential to maintain the enhanced appearance of the lips. Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando offers maintenance appointments as needed, during which the dentist can assess the condition of the lips and provide any necessary touch-ups.

To Wrap It Up

In conclusion, lip enhancement procedures at Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando offer a safe and effective way to achieve fuller lips and boost one's self-confidence. By following the recommended aftercare guidelines and attending maintenance appointments, patients can enjoy beautiful, natural-looking results that enhance their overall facial aesthetics for years to come. Contact us today!