Dental ImplantsDentures were the primary means of replacing lost or failing teeth for decades. My, how times have changed! Today, dental implants have emerged as the go-to option for those in search of a tooth replacement. Though it is certainly true dental implants cost a decent amount of money, as is often said: you get what you pay for. Opt for dental implants and you will not regret this investment in your oral health.

An Explanation of Dental Implants

Dental implants1 are best described as titanium rods inserted into the jaw in place of failing or missing teeth. Once the titanium implants fuse to the jaw through the process of osseointegration, the dentist adds crowns to their tops to create the impression that you have real teeth. Dental implants provide a strong foundation that provides the support necessary for crowns or bridges to remain firmly in place and resemble natural teeth for years to come. Below, we delve into the merits of dental implants for those in search of a tooth replacement solution.

Dental Implants are Minimally Invasive

Too many patients read about the insertion of titanium rods as required by dental implants and immediately shun the notion of using these artificial teeth. There is minimal, if any, discomfort after the operation. So do not let the idea of inserting titanium in your jaw scare you away from this dental health breakthrough. The titanium rods will connect to your jaw, support the crowns above and dramatically improve your smile as well as your oral health. If you have any concerns about potential discomfort or the use of titanium, meet with our dentist to learn about the nuances of this procedure. We make every effort to make the placement of dental implants as painless as possible.

Dental Implants are Beneficial to Your Jaw and Mouth

Those who allow their missing or damaged teeth to go unaddressed often end up with facial sagging or worse. It is possible for the teeth next to the gap in your mouth to slide on over to fill the space, creating a slew of oral health problems that will cost even more money and require additional time to remedy. Dental implants are designed to preserve the jaw bone and prevent resorption. In other words, patients who opt for dental implants do not have to worry about their jaw bone gradually disappearing as time progresses.

Dental implant therapy preserves the adjacent teeth as well. The same cannot be said of traditional tooth-borne bridges. Dental bridges require a significant reduction in neighboring teeth so the bridge has ample support. The resulting impact on neighboring teeth spikes the risk of a possible root canal in the future and/or ongoing tooth decay.

Dental Implants Have a Remarkably High Success Rate

Dental implants have a 90 percent success rate when assessed over the long haul. Now that this dental technology has been analyzed after decades of use, it is clear nearly everyone who opts for dental implants is satisfied with their decision. Dr. Johnson from Pacific Northwest Prosthodontics adds, "The majority of implant failures occur in the first three months (before integration) if the bone does not heal properly around the implant. Generally the failures after 3 months are more of a random event and difficult to predict."

Dental Implants Might Prove to be a Permanent Solution

Dental implants are meant to last an entire lifetime. However, some patients find dental implants last for a couple of decades. Even if your dental implants have to be replaced after several decades, this minor investment is well worth the money. Unlike dentures, your dental implants really will feel natural and look fantastic. Clean your dental implants with regular flossing and brushing and you just might find they last the rest of your life.

The Perfect Fit and Comfort

Patients who have tried dental implants and dentures tend to gush over the former and complain about the latter. Dental implants do not pose any of the problems that plague denture-wearers. There is no need to worry about sliding, slipping, clicking noises or mouth sores when you have dental implants. Dental implants stay in place so you don't have to worry about them moving around. Go ahead and eat all your favorite hard and sticky foods; your dental implants will crush right through these items without any potential to loosen. This improved chewing enhances digestion and even has the potential to boost your nutritional intake. Add in the fact that there is no need to bother removing your dental implants as required by dentures and it is easy to understand why the general public now favors dental implants.

Fine Dentistry of Downtown Orlando

Meet with our dentist to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. We will analyze your oral health, perform an in-depth cleaning and expound upon the merits of dental implants. Reach out to us today at (407) 777-2071 to find out more about dental implants and schedule an appointment2.

